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Majorship LET Reviewer

LET Reviewer for Biological Science
LET Reviewer for Biological Science

51. Arthropods exhibit fast and coordinated movement because they possess _____________.
a. an endoskeleton  
b. jointed appendages
c. exoskeleton
d. bilateral symmetry

52. The following statements are true of spiders EXCEPT
a. Have rectal glands for potassium and water reabsorption
b. Tagmata include cephalothorax and abdomen
c. Contain silk glands for web making
d. Posses 3 pairs of legs

53. The relationship that exists between insects and flowering plants is called ______________.
a. parasitism    
b. predation
c. mutualism
d. commensalism

54. Which of the following causes our nose to “run” when we cry?
a. The lungs release water vapor.
b. Mucous glands are activated.
c. Tears enter the duct to the nasal cavity.
d. The sinuses release water.

55. What is the main function of the peripheral nervous system?
a. Communicates with the endocrine glands
b. Regulates our heartbeat and breathing
c. Controls our emotions and intelligence
d. Connects central nervous system to all organs

56. What causes our bones to turn brittle?
a. Turning into muscle tissue
b. Increase in flexibility
c. Turbidity decreased
d. Removal of collagen

57. Which part of the neuron conducts impulse from other neurons toward the cell body?
a. Axon
b. Ganglia
c. Synapse
d. Dendrite

58. The tendency to react automatically to an external stimulus is called a/an _____________.
a. Habituation
b. aggression
c. imprinting
d. reflex

59. Which hormone promotes the development of secondary female sexual characteristics such as broad pelvis and enlarged breasts?
a. Testosterone  
b. Estrogen
c. Melatonin
d. Growth

60. Which part of the ear is dangerously affected when sound is of hundred decibels?
a. Pinna    
b. Eustachian tube
c. Semi-circular canal
d. Tympanic membrane

61. What organs cause high concentration of calcium in the blood?
a. Liver and Pancreas  
b. Pituitary and Testis
c. Thyroid and Parathyroid
d. Pineal body and Thymus

62. People who live in high altitude have blood that is described to have _____ blood cells.
a. High number of white
b. Low number of red
c. Same number of red
d. High number of red

63. Creativity is a desirable trait that should be developed among our students. Describe a creative person.
a. Creates beautiful set-ups.
b. Imitates scientists at work
C. Originates own procedures.
d. Announces same solutions.

64. If the flow of blood in a vessel is toward the heart then the vessel is identified as a ________.
a. Ventricle
b. Artery
c. Vein
d. Atrium

65. The funnel shaped opening through which the egg cell is released to is the
a. Umbilical cord  
b. Uterus
c. Fallopian tube
d. Proximal tubules

66. Which one is insufficient in cretinism?
a. Insulin    
b. Adrenalin
c. Parathormone
d. Thyroxin

67. When there is no food available for days, what could serve as the fuel source of the cells in your body?
a. Fats in adipose tissue
b. Albumin in the blood
c. Cholesterol in blood vessels
d. Bone marrow inside the bone

68. What instrument has a flexible scope that is used to examine the esophagus and stomach?
a. ultrasound  
b. laser
c. endoscope
d. scanner

69. Where does exchange of materials between the blood and other body tissues take place?
a. Platelets
b. Veins
c. Arteries
d. Capillaries

70. What explains why our lips are “redder” than out palm?
a. Many blood vessels are located around the lips
b. Lips epidermis is thinner
c. Lips are heavily keratinized
d. There is increased blood flow in the lips

71. Which part of breathing occurs when the diaphragm muscles are pulled downwards, thus increasing the chest cavity?
a. Expiration  
b. Release of energy
c. Release of gases
d. Inspiration

72. In an experiment, which is the condition being introduced and whose effect is being observed?
a. Conclusion formulated  
b. Constant variable
c. Manipulated variable
d. Tentative variable

73. Which of the following pancreatic fluids is responsible for the breakdown of fat?
a. Chymotrypsin
b. Amylase
c. Trypsin
d. Lipase

74. Which part of the brain controls our rate of breathing?
a. Cerebellum
b. Cerebrum
c. Spinal cord
d. Medulla

75. Through what part does the embryo obtain its nourishment from the mother?
a.  oviduct    
b. food tubules
c. fallopian tube
d. umbilical cord

76. What organ is controlled by the autonomic nervous system?
a. Brain    
b. Heart    
c. Spinal cord    
d. Skeletal muscles

77. What is one of the main functions of the large intestine?
a. Excrete undigested food
b. Digest food into liquid form
c. Excrete bile pigments from ducts
d. Complete the digestion of proteins

78. What do you call food in a semi-liquid form, partially digested and mixed with hydrochloric acid?
a. Mucosa    
b. Chyme
c. Saliva
d. Bolus

79. Which would you advise children to prevent osteoporosis?
a. More intake of all vitamins
b. Consistent bone density test
c. Less bone exercise and fatigue
d. Adequate calcium and Vitamin D

80. Which is considered the endocrine master gland due to its influence on the activity of all the other glands?
a. Thyroid
b. Adrenal
c. Pituitary
d. Parathyroid

81. What enzyme is secreted by the pancreas which splits sugar?
a. Lipase
b. Pepsin
c. Trypsin
d. Amylase

82. What do we get from carbohydrates and fats?
a. Cell builders  
b. Tissue builders  
c. Heat and energy
d. Growth regulators

83. What secretes substance which enables the sugar to be stored in the liver?
a. Islets of  Langerhans
b. Adrenal medulla
c. Adrenal cortex
d. Thyroid

84. What sac protects the heart?
a. Pericardium
b. Septum
c. Atrium
d. Valve

85. What BEST describes respiration?
a. Taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.
b. Taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide.
c. Breathing in a mixture of different gases.
d. Breathing in of pure gas

86. Which type of muscle tissue found in the walls of our stomach is responsible for the process of peristalsis?
a. Striated
b. Cardiac
c. Smooth
d. Voluntary

87. Which of the hormone triggers ovulation?
a. Follicle-stimulating  
b. Testosterone  
c. Luteinizing
d. Prolactin

88. What do we call a prediction that is made based on educated guess?
a. Inference
b. Hypothesis
c. Interpolation
d. Extrapolation

89. How does the liver assist the digestive system?
a. Stores starch
b. It secretes bile
c. Acts on protein food
d. Mixes with the pancreatic juice

90. What structures in the tongue make it distinguished food quality?
a. Nerves
b. Tasters
c. Taste buds
d. Taste epithelium

91. Which protein found in the plasma is responsible for blood clothing?
a. Fibrinogen
b. Albumin
c. Globulin
d. Serum

92. White blood cells are the “soldiers” of the body. They fight the disease-causing organisms. They are the ___________.
a. Antigens
b. Antibodies
c. Phagocytes
d. Erythrocytes

93. What blood test is used to provide information about agglutination reactions between donor and recipient blood?
a. Clotting test
b. Blood count
c. Blood chemistry
d. Type and cross-match

94. Which produce the hormone MOST closely associated with the control of calcium metabolism?
a. Ovaries
b. Pancreas
c. Adrenal glands
d. Parathyroid glands

95. What is the function of the lymph?
a. Transport oxygen
b. Contains fibrinogen
c. Enables the blood to clot
d. Protects the body from infection

96. Which part of the brain is responsible for intelligence, memory and learned behavior?
a. Cerebellum
b. Cerebrum
c. Thalamus
d. Medulla

97. What is the major problem involved in organ transplants?
a. Phagocytes
b. Sex of donor
c. Race of recipient
d. Antigen-antibody reaction

98. What special equipment is placed inside the heart to generate electrical impulse?
a. Endoscope
b. Pacemaker
c. Heart pump
d. Artificial valve

99. The modern horse has fewer toes than its ancestors’. Such change is governed by _________.
a. use and disuse
b. natural selection
c. reduction division
d. chromosomal deletions

100. Which theory on how life began do chemists and geologists agree on today?
a. Spontaneous generation
b. Special creation
c. Cosmozoic
d. Naturalistic

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Biological Science

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